Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Flim Flam Man

It's so damn American. The settler class of white Europeans living away from the big mean city get conned by a loudmouth bullshittin' big city con man who has never made an honest buck in his life. He plays into their fears; of brown skinned foreigners, angry black people still pissed about their ancestors being enslaved, uppity women who misuse the rights they got, and big city banks and financiers who just want to take their money and their land.  Promising to keep the scared people safe, the film-flam man goes back to his rich friends, laughing to himself about how he loves the uneducated. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Greeks, the Troika, Resistance and History

As we head into 2017, the world seems to be heading towards even greater uncertainty.  The nationalist rejection of the EU in Britain, the uncertain meaning of the US election and future (at this writing) results, a seeming desire by western capitals and Russia for greater war in the Middle East, and various artificial bubbles created and maintained by the gamblers in the financial markets; all of these seem to point to more of the same for Greece with an ever growing likelihood that the next burst financial bubble will take down more than just those economies considered on the fringe of the central markets.  This uncertainty alone is reason enough to read this book.