Friday, March 4, 2022

An Antiwar Primer

Bertolt Brecht's poem A War Primer


  1. Memories from Shady Grove and the '60s. When I was in college, someone would put a note on the door -Risk game 4:00, and everybody would be home by 4:00 and we'd be smoking marijuana and playing risk and conquering the world, and each other, with this board game. This is what the assholes in the state department have been doing for a long time. Incredible fools.... And 'achievements' feed on 'achievements', and awards feed on awards, and everybody claps as they eat their rubber chicken, or their caviar, and the bombs explode.

  2. Prevent Nuclear War.
    The Democrats need to stop the bluster, stop the politicking tough guy b*******, stop the sanctions, make a deal where Putin feels secure, allow for two independent states that border Russia to the east, demilitarize Ukraine, put the Azoff Battalion, that killed 14,000 Ukrainians living in the Donbas, on trial, and stop messing with the region- in order to have peace in Ukraine and prevent nuclear war.
    Gas prices will not matter after the bombs start falling, though this is significant inflation. The problem is we support the Nazis, we trained them. But United States trained and supported Saddam and we turned on him. It's in America's blood and history to use someone up and spit them out
    It would not be out of character or against our principles as demonstrated by our actions. So, I imagine we can turn on the Bandera Ukrainians, if we choose to..

  3. UNAMERIKKKAN ... War is the worst Male Violence (MV).We MUST address MV to end war.
